Every day we eat sought to continue the consumption of fruits, especially fruits that promote heart health. Here are a few pieces of useful recommendations for heart health are as follows.
First. Apples.Apples contain flavonoids that can lower cholesterol, reduce platelet adhesion in the arteries dilate the arteries cavity is also very good to help heart health.
In second place. Kiwi.Kiwi fruit contains antioxidants which are very high that the presence of vitamin C and E, magnesium and fiber are useful in reducing the concentration of the oxidation of bad cholesterol harmful to cardiovascular health.
Third. Peaches.It also contains vitamins C, E, K, fiber and potassium are also beneficial for the health of our heart organ.
Fourth. Papaya.Papaya fruit is sweet, it's my favorite, Hehehe ... This fruit contains a lot of fiber, vitamins A, C, E, folic acid, magnesium, calcium and potassium. So if we eat a lot of papaya makes defecate smoothly.
Five. Oranges.
fruits contain lots of vitamin C, B-6, A, folic acid, potassium and
fiber, especially citrus fruits also contains flavonoids and calcium
which helps stabilize blood pressure, so it is good for health heart.
Sixth. Bananas. The fruit is also preferred director Hehehe ... this delicious fruit is very good for stabilizing blood pressure because the fiber, magnesium, potassium and vitamin B-6 and CSeventh. Aguacate. The fruits contain good lawyers to help maintain a healthy cholesterol heart healthy heart and so fat.
Eighth. Dragon fruit.Currently dragon fruit fruit is not new and can be found in many traditional markets or supermarkets. Believing that this fruit reduces blood pressure, which facilitates the work of the heart.
Nine. Red grapes.The fruit is known as a great antioxidant that is good for our heart health and prevent damage to the operating system of the heart.
This is a very good fruit to sustain our health kususnya health, heart. To maximize the health of the heart must be balanced with regular exercise and healthy lifestyle is discipline.
Sixth. Bananas. The fruit is also preferred director Hehehe ... this delicious fruit is very good for stabilizing blood pressure because the fiber, magnesium, potassium and vitamin B-6 and CSeventh. Aguacate. The fruits contain good lawyers to help maintain a healthy cholesterol heart healthy heart and so fat.
Eighth. Dragon fruit.Currently dragon fruit fruit is not new and can be found in many traditional markets or supermarkets. Believing that this fruit reduces blood pressure, which facilitates the work of the heart.
Nine. Red grapes.The fruit is known as a great antioxidant that is good for our heart health and prevent damage to the operating system of the heart.
This is a very good fruit to sustain our health kususnya health, heart. To maximize the health of the heart must be balanced with regular exercise and healthy lifestyle is discipline.
Image:obat jantunglemah.info
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