Direct ads with consumers must, by law, include information about the risks of a drug and the side effects and benefits. This often comes in the form of a list of potential problems quickly recited. But because it is difficult if not impossible to cover all potential risks in a TV commercial short, these ads should also target consumers more complete information in a print ad or web page. This information is usually a very long and technical text developed by pharmaceutical companies - often the same text that give doctors and pharmacies.
Consumers have complained that information about side effects is so confusing and difficult to read than just annoying. In response, the FDA asked for a Drug Facts box that summarizes the most important risks of each drug, using simple language, color combinations and types of easily readable.
This change is a step towards giving consumers better before you decide to try a new drug "informed consent". However, critics say that the FDA has left much of what is included in the box to the safety of medicines to pharmaceutical companies. In addition to the warnings "black box" and "contra" (situations in which a person should certainly not take the drug), the only guideline is that the case must list the effects "most serious and most common" side. This could still leave out a lot of valuable information.
Inform consumers about new potentially useful drugs is not a bad thing. However, a truly informed consumer should not rely solely on direct-to-consumer ads by drug before deciding to try a new one. Buyer beware: A new drug may be more expensive than older drugs that can do the job as well.If you see an advertisement for a drug you think you can help or be an improvement on the medication you are already taking, check with your doctor.
Make sure that you understand the potential risks and side effects, both short and long term (and be aware that they are not as well understood in the new brand-name drugs). If your doctor says "no" be willing to listen to him. Regardless of the innovative way could be a new drug, it may not be good for you. And if you are still interested after a while, you can always return to the issue in the future.
By: Nancy Ferrari
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