While the weather can aggravate arthritis pain, how it works? Is there scientific evidence to explain? People have asked these questions for many years without finding good answers. But that keep researchers are trying to understand it better.
What (we) know
Previous studies that examined the effects of rain, moisture and other factors related to weather conditions in arthritis symptoms were conclusive and in some cases contradictory. Some suggest that the key variable increases barometric pressure.
Other studies have found the opposite - that the pressure drop can cause pain or stiffness. There have even been attempts to artificially vary the environmental conditions to simulate climate change, such as placement with arthritis in barometric pressure chambers and varying from top to bottom.
Despite this, I still do not know if this is a particular feature of the weather or a combination of features that count. There are many potential factors - humidity, temperature, precipitation and barometric pressure between them.
Even if we could identify precisely what is happening with the weather affects pain and stiffness of arthritis, which is always why - biologically speaking - time should have no impact on joint symptoms.
Having received the studies, I'm not sure how to respond to my patients who ask me why their symptoms worsen reliable when the weather is wet or rain comes, or when another weather event happens. Usually I say, first, I think there is a link between time and joint symptoms, and on the other hand, researchers have not been able to find exactly what you're looking for weather and symptoms or arthritis it must be a connection.
The most recent studies
Only in the last year, two new studies have intervened in the question of whether the climate has an impact on the symptoms of arthritis. And both found that yes, indeed, climate issues!
In the first study, researchers enrolled 222 Dutch people with the hip - the most common type, the "wear and tear" arthritis - and its symptoms reported with a variety of weather variables are compared.
They found that over a period of two years, the pain and stiffness were slightly worse with increase in barometric pressure and humidity, although the overall impact was small. The second study involved more than 800 adults living in one of the six European countries and had osteoarthritis of the hip, knee or hands.
While changes in the weather does not seem to affect symptoms, higher humidity was associated with increased pain and stiffness, especially in cold weather. So while these studies varied in the details, we now have a little more evidence linking long joint symptoms.
So what?
It is a good question. After all, even if we were able to demonstrate a clear and powerful impact of time on the symptoms of arthritis, how is it useful to know? It's not like doctors tend to suggest that a patient's movement to a friendly climate of arthritis.
It is even less likely that patients follow this recommendation. So we can not control the weather or precisely our internal environments, these new studies will probably have little impact on the individual victim of arthritis.
However, identifying a relationship between a particular type of weather and joint symptoms may help to understand the causes and mechanisms of arthritis symptoms. And that could lead to better treatments and even prevention strategies.
Also, find out why some people seem to feel worse in some circumstances, while others see no change (or even feel better) in these environments could help us understand the subtle differences between types of arthritis or of ways in which people respond.
"Everyone keeps talking about the weather ...
... But nobody does anything about it. "That's an old line, but of course there is no truth. But even if the weather affects the symptoms of arthritis and there's nothing you can do about the weather, it not mean that there is nothing!. to about arthritis, there are more treatment options than ever before, with and without the use of medication If you have a large and persistent pain , stiffness or swelling, see your doctor - rain or shine.
By: Robert Shmerling,MD
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