Every drop of 11 pounds in grip strength during the study was associated with an increased risk of dying from any cause, an increased risk of dying from heart disease by 17%, 9% higher risk of 16% stroke, and 7% increased risk of heart attack.
Connections between grip strength and death or cardiovascular disease remained strong even after the researchers adjusted for other things that can contribute to heart disease and death, such as age, smoking, exercise and other factors. The results were published online in The Lancet. Interestingly, grip strength was a better predictor of death or cardiovascular disease blood pressure.
"The grip strength could be an easy and inexpensive way to assess the risk of death and cardiovascular disease testing of an individual," said the lead author, Dr. Darryl Leong Health Research Institute population Hamilton health Sciences and McMaster University in Canada, in a press release.
Grip strength is a measure of biological age?
PURE study results are not new. Previous research has also linked grip strength with future incapacity, death and cardiovascular diseases in adults. But this is the largest to have made the connection study. The fact that the grip strength was a relevant measure among high-income countries, middle-income and low-income gives credibility to the results.
The age of an individual over time (chronological age) can be very different from their biological age. Although there is no exact definition of biological age, usually indicates that the body performs better or worse than their chronological age.
Many things influence the biological age. Key factors include restoration general fitness, the presence or absence of certain medical conditions, and muscle strength.
The study suggests that simply measuring handle PURE force itself could be a good way to assess the biological age. In an editorial accompanying the PURE results Aihie Avan Sayer and Thomas Kirkwood of the University of Southampton and the University of Newcastle, UK, suggests that "the clamping force can act as a biomarker of aging through path of life. "
An interesting finding is that the weaker hand grip was not associated with an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes, cancer and other chronic diseases. So why would it not be linked to an increased risk of dying? The researchers suggest that the weaker muscle strength, it is more likely that a person will die soon if he or she a chronic medical problem develops, relative to those with more muscle. In other words, muscle strength could be good for survival.
Strong muscles need work, nutrients, rest
To build muscular strength, do the two resistance training three times a week. Give your muscles a day or two of rest between workouts.
Most people go to weights and weight machines to strengthen the muscles. Resistance bands work as well. Rubber bands are flat or tubular providing strength to move his arms and legs through various ranges of motion.
You should not limit muscle building workouts. Use everyday activities to challenge your muscles. For example:
* Lift up a carton of milk a few times before putting it in the fridge for building arm muscles.
* Take the stairs whenever possible. This will build the leg muscles, hips, buttocks and abdomen.
* Stay active while talking on the phone or tail do leg lifts and heel raises. This will help strengthen leg and buttock muscles.
It is also important to get enough sleep. Sleep is essential for muscle recovery and healing of tissues out well. Try seven to eight hours a night. This will give your body time to repair muscle tissue and restore muscle strength.
Finally, the muscles healthy nutrients need to become stronger. You do not need supplements of protein and lots of meat. Beans, nuts and fish can provide lots of healthy proteins. Get your carbs from whole grains and foods that result. And eating five or more servings of fruits and vegetables daily.
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