Can your coffee habit that allows you to live longer? - Taking hot or cold, black or "regular", many people say they can not live without: coffee.
The dark and seductive drink that has become a staple in the American diet. But when did we become so obsessed with coffee, and our obsession is actually bad for us?
The dark and seductive drink that has become a staple in the American diet. But when did we become so obsessed with coffee, and our obsession is actually bad for us?
Researchers have some revealing answers.
Coffee origins are unclear. A legend goes back centuries in the forests of Ethiopia, where a goat herder discovered that their animals are activated after eating the red berries of the coffee bush.
But wherever you started from, the popularity of coffee spread rapidly around the world and eventually Europe and the "New World" by the 17th century.
Although tea was the first drink of choice for the American colonists, coffee has finally replaced after the rebellion against the tea tax by King George III, leading to the Boston Tea Party in December 1773. According to the National Association coffee, coffee would Thomas Jefferson once described as "the favorite drink of the civilized world."
Although tea was the first drink of choice for the American colonists, coffee has finally replaced after the rebellion against the tea tax by King George III, leading to the Boston Tea Party in December 1773. According to the National Association coffee, coffee would Thomas Jefferson once described as "the favorite drink of the civilized world."
In modern times, a cup (or more) of beer has become a daily ritual in the United States - with meals, office, coffee shops, and at home. It is available in all possible combinations of the size and flavor without much caffeine. But for years, experts have debated whether coffee or threat to health promotion.
In search of the effects of coffee on health
Coffee contains antioxidants that may help protect cells against damage. In some studies, coffee has been shown to have a protective effect against some cancers as well as chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and gout. The caffeine in coffee is a stimulant and can help mental alertness and fatigue.
However, too much coffee can make you nervous, leading to sleep problems, give you headaches, increased blood pressure, and trigger cardiac arrhythmias, and may even promote bone loss. But it is really dangerous coffee? Coffee lovers are putting their lives on the line when they reach for that next cup of coffee?
To deepen, scientists from Harvard University School TH Chan of Public Health analyzed data from three ongoing studies involving nearly 300,000 men and women up to 30 years. The research results were recently published in the journal Circulation.
They found that moderate coffee consumption was actually associated with a lower risk of overall mortality and a lower risk of death from cardiac and neurological diseases.
Both caffeinated and decaffeinated coffee had a protective effect, suggesting that something other than caffeine is at stake - perhaps these antioxidants. The heavy coffee drinking still seemed to reduce the risk of death beyond moderate consumption, but does not appear to increase the risk, either.
Ultimately, the researchers concluded, "coffee consumption can be incorporated into a healthy lifestyle." Good news for the millions of Americans who just need to be "dying" for coffee in the metaphorical sense - and can live happily with her.
By: Mallika Marshall, MD.
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