From what you see in the game or on TV, you might think that sports injuries are more common in men than women athletes.
This may be true for college players and NFL football, as almost all are men. But women are actually more likely than men to suffer many injuries related to the most common sports.
There are a variety of reasons for this "gender gap" and there is much that remains uncertain. But recognition of this gap has led to innovative efforts to prevent injuries among women in sport.
Consider the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). It is a vital structure in the knee which ensures the stress stability. This ligament injuries are up to 6 times more common in women than in men. And a number of other sports-related injuries are also more common in women.
What injuries are more common in female athletes?
* Sprained ankle. This is the most common injury among men and women athletes, but is especially common in women.
* Shoulder problems. Examples include the problems of the cap (including tendon inflammation or tendonitis) and instability.

* Stress fractures. These are particularly common in the foot or leg (tibia) in women with "female athlete triad", a combination of inadequate caloric and nutrient intake, irregular menstruation, and bone loss. Eating disorders, including anorexia nervosa, contribute to this triad.
* Plantar fasciitis. Abnormal alignment of the feet and flat feet can contribute to these small tears in the supporting tissues along the arch and heel.
Why women are more prone to injuries than men?
There are probably a combination of factors that contribute to the high incidence of injuries in female athletes. And we have more theories than actual answers.
The most common explanation is that it is because of the fundamental differences between the bodies of men and women. For example, the typical female athlete, compared to their male counterparts, were:
* Higher levels of estrogen, with less muscle mass and body fat
* Greater flexibility (due to loose ligaments) muscles and less powerful
* A large pond, which alters the alignment of the knee and ankle
* In a space of ACL knee travel through narrow
* More likely to inadequate intake of vitamin D and calcium.
Women also tend to move in a different way than men. For example, when landing from a jump, women tend to land more upright with knees close together. And when women athletes suddenly change direction, they tend to do it in a foot (maybe because of their wider pelvis), while men tend to "cut" of both feet.
Another theory suggests that hormonal changes during the menstrual cycle makes women particularly vulnerable to injury. However, this has not been proven, and research on the subject is inconclusive.
What women can do to avoid injury?
Fortunately, women can take steps to reduce the chances that you will suffer this type of injury. The ACL injury rates can be lowered if the muscles, especially the hamstring muscles (located on the back of the thigh) and vastus (a large muscle that lies along the inner thighs and knees are reinforced).
A 2012 analysis of the medical literature concluded that training programs to prevent ACL tears were very effective, reducing by over 50% for women (and 85% for men).Training to change the direction of both feet (instead of one), training jumps to land in a safer position and weightlifting programs that target specific muscles can also be effective. Gearing can help limit ankle sprains.
Orthoses (insoles) and realignment can provide support for people prone to plantar fasciitis and other foot injuries. Nutritionists councils, primary care physicians, trainers and psychologists can help solve the "female athlete triad" and other challenges faced by female athletes.
The bottom line
An athlete can also be shaped (or more) than her male counterpart, however, seem different vulnerabilities of men and women for some sports injuries.
Programs lack of recognition, an incomplete understanding of why the risk of injury increases among women, sports training and ignoring these differences are part of the problem. However, there are ways to counter that.
Although the anatomy and biology can not easily change the difference in injury rates between male and female athletes, it is a reason to continue to promote research so we can better understand these differences and find ways to prevent lesions in both genders.
By: Robert Shmerling, M.D.
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