I am a young presenter on television at the time, and one day, an old woman approached me in a store and said.
"I live alone, but I have dinner with you every night" It was the first of many times I would hear those words. He was always making noise, and a sense of additional responsibility on me at 6:00 every night is instilled.
Now that I liked older people living alone, I see you are to face an empty table and little interest in cooking or eating. It is a common problem. "They are losing the company," says Melanie Pearsall, a dietitian at the Harvard-affiliated Massachusetts General Hospital.
"When eating is a social experience, people do not make an effort. There is no joy left in preparing food, because people do not see it as something valuable for themselves. "
Challenges lead to health risks
Loneliness is only part of the challenge of nutrition for the elderly living alone. They may also experience
* depression, which can reduce appetite
* immobility, which can prevent people to cook
* decline in thinking skills, which can lead people to forget to eat
* transportation or financial problems, which can prevent people to buy food
* dietary restrictions due to chronic disease, which can be overwhelming when it's time to figure out what to eat
* medication side effects, which can cause changes in taste.
Consequently, older people can end up skipping meals or rely on convenience foods such as cereals, frozen dinners or canned foods. "I see people making mono-and eat the same meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They do not bother with fruits or vegetables. They eat bad food and lack of variety, "said Pearsall.
This lack can lead to malnutrition - a deficiency of vitamins, fiber, protein, calcium, or - and malnutrition can lead to poor digestion, weight loss, bone problems, and fatigue.
Shortcuts to better nutrition
Initially it may help remind elderly people who eat it will give a little more encouragement. "I think energy is a good catch," Pearsall said. "People can not be motivated by good health, but power always want to see the grandchildren or go to the store or doing a hobby."
He also noted that healthy meals do not have to be complicated. Here are some of your favorites to prepare simple, nutritious meals advice.
Aim for three meals a day, and try to achieve the overall objectives of nutrition.
* Fill ¼ plate protein (chicken, fish, legumes, eggs or cheese).
* Fill ¼ of the plate with whole grains (wild rice, quinoa, whole wheat pasta).
* Fill half the plate with vegetables (go for the variety and color - kale, pumpkin, carrots, broccoli).
* Add a piece of fruit and / or yogurt.
Change the definition of a meal. No need to be fancy; simply approach their nutritional goals. Ideas include a cheese and tomato on toasted whole wheat bread with a piece of fruit; an egg on whole wheat bread with yogurt and fruit; or cereal biscuit with a little peanut butter and fruit and a glass of milk.
Combine convenience foods with fresh foods. Drinking low sodium soup and throw in some frozen vegetables; or buy a roast chicken and then use a variety of ways - in the soup, sandwiches or salad.
Lot-cook once or twice a month. Make a large "batch" of lasagna, soup, stew or casserole; divide it into several parts; freezing for later use.
Beyond the table
Make socializing a priority, especially for the elderly who may be less able to leave. "You should talk to someone, at least daily, and leave the house at least once a week," says Barbara Moscowitz, social worker geriatrics at Massachusetts General Hospital Harvard affiliate. Consider volunteering for a group without profit, or enjoy programs and conferences in local nursing homes.
Everyone should make an effort to share meals with family and friends from time to time. A lunch talk will enrich your life much more than dinner in front of television news - even when the speaker is happy that she can be there for you.
By: Heidi Godman
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