It is certainly not surprising that a healthy and tasty diet has been shown to dramatically reduce the number of heart attacks can also help fight breast cancer. "I'm surprised that the Mediterranean diet is beneficial for breast cancer? No, because it appears to be beneficial in all areas, "says Dr. Beth Overmoyer, a breast cancer specialist at Dana Farber Cancer Institute Harvard affiliate.
New results
The breast cancer study in a clinical trial bootstrapped reference in Spain called prevention with Mediterranean diet (PREDIMED). In 2013, the first results of this study establish that people who ate a Mediterranean diet - rich in virgin olive oil, fruits and vegetables, nuts and legumes and other healthy food superstars - were 30% less likely of having a heart attack or stroke or in cardiac death compared to people who simply say that eating less fat causes.
But the researchers PREDIMED they not performed. They also kept track of how many women were diagnosed with breast cancer during the study period so they can see if the rates were different across three different groups of women who followed the diet extra rations more olive oil, women who followed a diet and little nut portions, and women were simply asked to reduce fat intake. They followed 4,300 women aged 60-80.
Of a total of 35 breast cancer diagnosed types of cancer over the study period, there were 62% fewer cases of cancer in women who ate the diet of the olive oil improved compared to women simply said that reducing your fat intake. Breast cancer rates among women who ate the Mediterranean diet plus additional servings of nuts was not statistically different from that of women, he said that reducing fat intake.
It's true?
This is great news - but not final as Mediterranean food prevents breast cancer test. Scientists acknowledge that their results should be confirmed in a study that captures a greater number of breast cancers. This could mean a larger study, or study more.
The results are based on only 35 cases of breast cancer. A small number of factors allowing the most vulnerable of the study in addition to diet that might have skewed the calculations - the frequency with which women had mammograms.
Researchers must not forget that women have mammograms - and fewer mammograms resulting in fewer cancers diagnosed. But they say the process is randomized participants in the study was so complete - as shuffling a deck of cards over and over again - that the existing differences between the participants had on average.
How good is good news?
Dr. Overmoyer stresses that women should keep in mind that a healthy diet is only an influence of lifestyle on the risk of breast cancer. "It is said that a healthy diet can be very important - the more they need exercise, the more you need to lose weight," she said.
If food aid, how much help? Based on the figures of the study, in a group of 1,000 women who eat a Mediterranean diet with extra virgin olive oil 10 years, 14 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. A similar group of women who just cut the fat from your diet without eating in Mediterranean style would be 29 cases, 15 additional breast cancers over a decade in 1,000 women.
This seems much less dramatic than the "risk 62% lower" and can even make you wonder how the pros really great. But of course, every new case of breast cancer is a real woman facing a serious illness. "If we let's look at a person - if you are one of those women who have breast cancer - although this is important, "says Dr. Overmoyer.
This study has some important limitations. You might like other preliminary studies "encouraging" as a bright meteor burning for a while before further research results made more sobering are exhausted. Fortunately, we know that the Mediterranean diet pattern prevents heart disease, the leading cause of death. The evidence that breast cancer may be preliminary bout, but women can still consider a smart bet.
"What is the real risk of choosing a diet rich in Mediterranean olive oil? Not much," said Dr. Overmoyer. "It is perhaps a little more expensive, but still a healthy choice. It may not be a great benefit for you personally, but the downside is very low. "
By: Daniel Pendick
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