Related liver disease
While you refuse to drink responsibly, you can expect to liver complications. It is widely suggested, if you drink large amounts of alcohol, undergo a test of liver function. First, fatty liver disease can occur because the fat accumulates inside - you can experience fatigue and weight loss. If you choose to stop drinking, it will disappear by itself. On the other hand, if you choose to continue, you are likely to develop toxic hepatitis which is caused by various toxins and exposure to certain chemicals, and mild to severe ranges. Finally, there is cirrhosis, when the liver is damaged beyond self-repair, and is subject to failure. Again, all this can be avoided to leave this bad habit.
You become socially unbearable
If you go out with friends and all of you decides to take a few more shots, then you will have no trouble socializing. However, if you are the only person with an alcohol odor and inappropriate behavior, then rest assured, the best that can happen is an intervention. Nobody can tolerate indefinitely, and if it starts to behave that way in your home, in front of your children, you become a bad role model, and can cause them to become precarious. It is not uncommon for a marriage falls apart as a result of alcoholism. Furthermore, it is only a matter of time before driving under the influence becomes a good idea, and then you become a nuisance to yourself and everyone in the street.
If you leave
As mentioned, your health will improve, will also sleep better and increase your job performance. In addition, to be more energetic, attention and concentration increases by approximately 18%, but at the same time, you are bound to experience some withdrawal symptoms. If you can not quit completely, then reduce alcohol consumption as much as possible. The practice moderation is impossible, and could become a better alternative. When you quit completely, it still means the habit has control over his life while reducing consumption, you show that you can be responsible.
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