To determine the recommended daily dose of the protein can be multiplied by weight 0.36 pounds, or use the proteins of the online calculator. For a 50 year old woman who weighs 140 pounds, and are sedentary (no exercise), which translates to 53 grams of protein per day.
But the use of the recommended daily protein goals set daily reality of the dose caused much confusion. "There is a misunderstanding, not only among the public something, but also in our profession in the GDR," says Nancy Rodriguez, a dietitian and professor of nutritional sciences at the University of Connecticut in Storrs. "People think usually we eat too much protein all. "
Rodriguez was one of more than 40 nutrition scientists who gathered in Washington, DC, for a "Summit of the protein" to discuss research on proteins and human health. The summit was organized and sponsored by the beef, egg, and other groups of animal food industry, but also a series of scientific reports were published independently a special supplement to the question the June American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (AJCN).
Protein: It is best?
For a relatively active adult eating enough protein to meet the RDA would also give little as 10% of your total daily calories. By comparison, the average American consumes about 16% of their daily calories as protein, both animal and vegetable sources.
Protein Summit reports AJCN argue that 16% is not excessive. In fact, reports suggest that Americans can eat too little protein, too. The potential benefits of increased protein intake, the researchers argue, including the preservation of muscle strength in spite of aging and maintain a lean physique to burn fat. Some studies described in the top of the reports suggests that the protein is more effective if space along meals and snacks a day, instead of loading on dinner that many Americans do.
Based on the totality of the research presented at the summit, Rodríguez estimates that take up to two times the recommended daily dose of protein "is a safe and good to suck range." This represents about 15% to 25% of daily calories, but can be above or below this range depending on your level age, sex and activity. This range includes well on the recommendation of the current Dietary Guidelines for Americans get 10 to 35% % of daily calories from protein.
What should you do?
Research on the optimal amount of protein to eat for good health is ongoing, and is far from resolved. The value of high protein diets for weight loss and cardiovascular health, for example, remains controversial.
Before you start packing more protein, there are some important things to consider. First, do not read "more protein" as "eat more meat." Beef, poultry and pork (and milk, cheese and eggs) can certainly provide high quality protein, but also many plant foods - including whole grains, beans and other legumes, nuts and vegetables. The following table provides some good sources of protein.
It is also important to the "package" of protein into account - fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that always come with the protein. Try to sources low in saturated fats and processed carbohydrates and rich in many nutrients proteins.
One last thing: if you increase the protein, dietary requests arithmetic you eat less of other things to keep your daily intake of calories constant. Switches that you make can affect their nutrition, for better or for worse. For example, eating more protein instead of low-quality refined carbohydrates, like white bread and sweets, it is a healthy choice - healthy despite what the choice also depends on the total package of protein.
"If you do not eat a lot of fish and wants to increase this - yes, it could improve the overall nutritional profile that improve their health later," says dietitian Kathy McManus, director of the Department of Nutrition, affiliated with Harvard University and Brigham Women's Hospital. "But I think the data are strong enough to significantly increase red meat, processed meat and, of course, for protein."If weight loss is your main concern, dealing with a high-protein diet, it is reasonable, but do not expect it to be a panacea. "Patients come to me all the time asking if more protein will help with weight loss," says McManus. "I tell you that the verdict is still out. Some support studies, some studies do not. "
Good sources of protein
Food proteins (grams)
3 ounces of tuna, salmon, pollock, trout and 21
3 oz turkey or chicken cooked 19
6 ounces of Greek yogurt 17
½ cup cottage cheese 14
½ cup cooked beans 8
1 cup milk 8
1 cup cooked pasta 8
¼ cup or 1 ounce of nuts (all types) 7
1 egg 6
Source: Database of the USDA National Nutrient 2015
Food proteins (grams)
3 ounces of tuna, salmon, pollock, trout and 21
3 oz turkey or chicken cooked 19
6 ounces of Greek yogurt 17
½ cup cottage cheese 14
½ cup cooked beans 8
1 cup milk 8
1 cup cooked pasta 8
¼ cup or 1 ounce of nuts (all types) 7
1 egg 6
Source: Database of the USDA National Nutrient 2015
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