
Experts say that no amount of alcohol is safe during pregnancy

Experts say that no amount of alcohol is safe during pregnancy
Let's face it: pregnancy is difficult. Yes, it is ultimately a wonderful thing to bring a baby into the world. But the process does not always feel so wonderful; accompanied by nausea, fatigue, stomach fat and uncomfortable varicose veins are not the things that are asked pregnant women to stop smoking. As the sushi; Swordfish; eggnog; Some soft cheeses; this extra cup of coffee; for smokers, cigarettes; and alcohol.

For some women, it is difficult to stop drinking completely. It can be tempting, especially on special occasions or in restaurants where everyone is drinking, to have a teensy-tiny glass of wine. After all, how much damage can a glass of wine?

But here's the problem: we do not know the answer to that. This means that to be safe, pregnant women should not drink alcohol at all. This is the conclusion of a clinical report just published by the American Academy of Pediatrics.

This is what we know: the alcohol is dangerous to the developing fetus. It can cause problems with the baby's growth. It can affect the kidneys, heart, muscles, eyes and ears. But what is more worrying is that it can affect the brain in a variety of ways - causing smaller and actually physically different, for a learning pattern and behavior.

The most serious form of damage is called fetal alcohol syndrome, or FAS. Babies born with this condition are smaller than other babies have distinctive facial features (small eyes, a thin upper lip, flat to the skin between the nose and the mouth instead of the usual chants), and effects on the brain. Occasional consumption at a party is unlikely to cause FAS; often occur when mothers drink at least a moderate amount of alcohol during pregnancy.

But what researchers have been finding is that there may be softer, more subtle effects of small amounts of alcohol. A study of 31,000 pregnancies found a risk for developmental problems when women had one alcoholic drink per day. And because some of the learning and behavior problems will not become clear until years after his birth, it is likely that even small amounts of alcohol have an effect. In fact, some experts believe the Disorder Fetal Alcohol Spectrum (a broad term that encompasses all the possible negative effects of fetal alcohol syndrome) affects up to 5% of all children.

About half of all women of childbearing age drink alcohol drink from sporadic to heavy drinking. Some of the damage caused by alcohol passes before women realize they are pregnant. Although most women cut or stop once they know they expect, over 7.6% of alcohol consumption continued - and 1.4% report binge drinking.

There is no time during pregnancy when it is "safe" to drink either. Yes, most organs are formed in the first quarter. But the baby grows and changes, and the brain develops during pregnancy. Alcohol can still hurt.

So do not risk it. Give your baby the best chance for the best life possible. If you are pregnant or could become pregnant, choose sparkling water instead. Nine months can seem like an eternity, but it is not.

If you do not think you can stop drinking for nine months, talk to your doctor. We can help you.
By: Claire McCarthy, MD

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