
7 Tips for long life and good health

7 Tips for long life and good healthAny normal person would want a healthy body and soul is always maintained. Any sophisticated modern medical technology today, can never save you from problems caused by lifestyle and unhealthy behavior.  

As long as we still live in this world, the health became a major and costly requirements that usually only feel if one day we were sick.

I think we all agree with the phrase that "Prevention is certainly better than treatment." Here are seven tips so that we can live longer and stay healthy. In addition, the healthy lifestyle changes also keep your weight stable.

On the last occasion I have already explained that meditation also helps maintain mental and physical health, and we will always feel fresh and fit every day. read Mind and body healthy by doing meditation.

The First. Moving and continue the exercise.

In ancient times people often use physical activity, especially when working every day. They walk from one place to another. But at the moment people are changing, they could have gone to work with using the car and sat in the office and later when it was time to go home they still use the vehicle, at their home and sat down again. Furthermore, not much to do with using the physical. Due to the lack of physical activity is what eventually invite a disease. In this life we have many sports, running and walking. If your body can sweat then health will always be maintained.

Second. Go to bed when you feel sleepy
Do not underestimate drowsiness. This may sound simple, but many people stay up late even when their body tells them that it is time to sleep. Doctors also say that it is better to sleep at night and are active during the day. However, most people such as students will take coffee and stimulants to study late into the night. So go to sleep if it feels sleepy, Do not force the body to work until late at night.

Third. Eat when you feel hungry

It is also a simple idea, but once again we are often at odds with messages from the body. If you eat out of habit or because of social pressure at certain times of the day, even when you do not have a real appetite, then you will not digest your food properly. Acidity and indigestion begin, and this contributes to the possibility of a more complex disease. Have a real appetite is a sign of good health, but if you do not have the appetite you have to wait a little bit and then eat. However, if you do not have the appetite even after waiting a reasonable amount of time, then you should consult a doctor because something is wrong.

Fourth. Periodic fasting.

Illustration, if you would ask someone to work 365 days continuously without a break, they will complain and say that they should have a rest or they will be destroyed. But we can not ask our digestive organs on the condition that we are forced to work day after day without a break. They can not protest the way a person would to his boss, but they gave us a signal that they are not able to work non-stop. When we ignore these signals and still force them to work, damaged organs. That is why periodic fasting is required. Refrain from eating for one full day.  

This gives the rest to the digestive organs and also helps in the elimination of waste from your body. Normal fasting allows one to obtain additional time for intellectual or spiritual activities. Fasting is not intended to be a hermit in a cave, but it is a habit that makes sense that everyone can practice. 

Fifth. Go to the bathroom and wash your hands, feet and wash your face with cold water.

As already mentioned above that sleep is very important for the maintenance of good mental and physical health. The important thing is the sensory organs such as the hands, arms, eyes, legs, mouth, genitals, etc. before going to bed with cold water, it will make you feel relaxed and prepare you to sleep soundly. Waking up in the morning will feel more refreshed.

Sixth. Doing meditation regularly

As already mentioned at the beginning that meditation helps to maintain your health. Your body associated with mind and heart. Many diseases of this era are psychosomatic. Stress and anxiety affect our physical health. Meditation is a simple mental exercise, this will allow you to escape from the worries of life. Learn the simple techniques of meditation and do it regularly.

Seventh. Get up early every day

Once again the old adage, "Early to bed, early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise." I do not know if it will make you rich, but it will certainly make you healthier. Your body needs enough sleep, not too much and not too little.

Follow these simple tips and you will not go wrong.
Greetings healthy for you.


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