The First. Clean the skin regularly and continuously.
Facial skin is very prone to dust or bacteria as dealing directly with outdoor situations. Facial skin is very sensitive and thus require more maintenance and continuous. Rinse your face with warm water so that the pores can open wider, because then the particles or dirt will quickly disappear. Or occasional use facial scrubs for facial skin clean and fresh.
Second. Use sunblock or sunscreen
The use of sunblock or sunscreen is enough to take care of that white face that has been commonly done by women. Sunscreen can protect the skin from exposure to ultraviolet A and ultraviolet B. Both categories ultraviolet rays can cause spots black spots on the skin. Therefore, try to always wear sunscreen when doing any outdoor activity.
Third. Use moisturizer
The next step is to use a moisturizer. On the type of skin that is dry and oily skin moisture becomes unbalanced when he is short of water. Thus, the role of moisturizing is to keep the skin moist. Type of moisturizer to be used should be selected according to your skin type. Use a moisturizer that contains appropriate and suitable moisturizer on your skin. so as to produce healthy skin, clean and fresh.
At least that's the easy steps and commonly performed especially by women to get healthy and beautiful face. And do not forget to drink enough water every day is one of the measures to support the health of your skin as well. Hopefully these simple steps can be beneficial.
Thank may be useful
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