Some steps among others.
1. Married with male or female twins. These are intended to get GEN or decreasing nature of parents who previously born a twin. So it is likely to get very big twins.
2. According to the belief of a tribe Yaruba in Nigeria. That cassava consumption habits (Plants of class tubers) have a chance to get the twins. Because cassava in trust contains Phytoestrogens and progesterone. Both of these substances stimulate the occurrence of ovarian hiperovulasi.
3. Consumption of foods that contain complex carbohydrates.
Among the food groups are. Grains, beans, vegetables and other foods. The food is believed to have substances that induce ovulation without increasing insulin.
4. Many foods that contain high amounts of milk. Trust the nutrient content of foods processed from milk is very good for fertility and health uterine ovum, so that food consumption habits such as cheese or yogurt can stimulate the emergence of twin births.
5. Adding weight.
By adding weight then a woman's fertility rate is greater, a study in the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology concluded that 30% of women with weight above average have a tendency to conceive twins.
6. According to a study of the experts concluded that, women who are pregnant at the age of 35-45 years have a better chance to be pregnant with twins. This is in because at that age when women tend to ovulate more easily and more than one ovum.
7. Consumption of folic acid supplements.
Consumption of folic acid supplements as directed by your doctor, folic acid in addition to have a greater chance of 40% -45% to have twins, these substances also meet the nutritional needs in the formation of brain cells so they can avoid birth defects in the baby's brain.
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