1. Supplements high blood pressure (Coenzyme Q-10).
Co Q-10 can lower blood pressure and increase the levels of ecSOD, an enzyme which is tasked to protect blood vessels from damage. Researchers from Italy reveal that Co Q-10 can also improve the quality of sperm. Meanwhile the Japanese researchers found that Co Q-10 can increase the fat burning process while you are exercising.
Dose: 30-200 mg / day *
Natural sources: meat and fish, eggs, broccoli.
2. Supplements brain (Acetyl-L-Carnitine)
This compound works to increase energy exchanges and strengthen communication between brain cells. Acetyl-L-Carnitine also serves to sharpen the memory and responsiveness as well as slow the deterioration of brain cells function.
Dose: 1,000 mg / day *
Natural sources: red meat, dairy products.
3. Supplements brittle bones (Vitamin D)
Vitamin D helps bones absorb calcium. In addition, vitamin D also may help reduce levels of depression, and lower the risk of heart attack.
Dosage: 5 mcg / day.
Natural sources: Morning sun, milk.
4. Suplemen heart disease (fish oil)
Enriched with Omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. This makes fish oil can lower triglycerides, increases HDL cholesterol, and lowers blood pressure. Healthy fats also can reduce inflammation and improve cognitive performance, and reduce the risk of colon and prostate cancer.
Dose: 500 mg of DHA and 500 mg EPA. Natural sources: Salmon, tuna.
5. Supplements migraine (Magnesium)
Decreased magnesium can cause headaches. Mineral also helps regulate blood pressure and fend stroke and diabetes.
Dose: 250 mg / day, plus magnesium in your daily diet.
Natural sources: green vegetables, wheat, coffee and nuts.
6. Supplements diabetes (Psyllium husk)
This fiber is more than just cleaning your colon. According to the results of Finland, adding psyllium to the meat can lower blood sugar levels and insulin response. Pair with proteins to suppress ghrelin HORMONES trigger hunger. Psyllium is one of five soluble fiber that has been approved by the FDA food and drug regulatory-body in America- to reduce levels of LDL cholesterol.
Dosage: 20 to 35 g / day.
Natural sources: Cereals derived from cereal grains.
7. Supplements indigestion (Probiotics)
Probiotics are healthy bacteria that will urge disease caused by bad bacteria out of your colon.
Dosage: 1 capsule (containing at least 1 million bacteria) in a day.
Natural sources: Yogurt, kefir, and other dairy products.
8. endurance supplements (quercetin)
Research University of South Carolina found that those who do not exercise regularly but the consumption of 500 mg of antioxidants 2 times a day for a week, capable of cycling 13% longer than that carried the group who did not.
Dose: 500 mg, twice a day * Natural sources: Red wine, parsley, onions, apples.
9. Supplements joint pain (Glucosamine)
Glucosamine is a stronghold for the cartilage, can heal the pain and inflammation of the joints. A recent study also found that glucosamine is more effective than acetaminophen in treating the symptoms of osteoarthritis in the knee, which is often experienced by young people as a result of injury to the joint.
Dose: 1,500 mg / day *
Natural sources: Shellfish.
10. Supplements wound (Vitamin C)
According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 60 percent of adult men do not get enough vitamin C from their daily diet. "In fact, vitamin C can help keep your cells from tissue damage caused by free radicals that arise when you're training," said dr. Leane. Vitamin C also helps heal minor injuries.
Dosage: Total 1,000 mg / day, in a couple of meals.
Alamai Source: Family of citrus, broccoli, kale, brussels sprouts.
11. Supleman poor memory (Piknogenol)
This antioxidant supplements help fight free radicals that cause stress in your brain. In the Australian study recently, piknogenol proven to improve memory in older people. Piknogenol also helps blood circulation better, and fight joint pain and reduce muscle cramps.
Dose: 150 mg / day *
Natural sources: The outer skin of pine trees.
12. Supplements body fat (EGCG)
According to the study, those who consumed green tea extract, burn 17 percent more fat during exercise than those who did not. EGCG, the most active antioxidant in green tea may prolong exercise time to increase metabolism. It also can help prevent cancer and improve heart health.
Dose: 890 mg / day of green tea extract (containing 340 mg EGCG)
Natural sources: Green Tea
13. Supplements depression (SAMe)
Canadian researchers revealed that the synthetic amino acid SAMe (S-L-methionine-adenosil) have been found to overcome depression. It works just as effective as antidepressants and can reduce joint pain, inflammation, and help repair cartilage.
Dosage: 600 to 1,600 mg / day, as needed *
Alamai Source: Produced by your body - usually after eating meat, green vegetables and citrus.
14. Supplements cancer risk (Resveratrol)
You can not stop time, but you can slow it down. -many Chemical compounds found in the skins of wine appears to interact directly with genes that regulate aging. Resveratrol has also been tested for DNA repair in animals, increase blood flow to the brain, and stop the growth of prostate and colon cancer cells.
Dosage: There is no recommended dose.
Natural sources: Red wine, grape juice.
15. Supplements risk of prostate cancer (lycopene)
According to research from the University of Illionois, lycopene, which is found in tomatoes, is an antioxidant that may reduce the risk of prostate cancer. The researchers found that lycopene works by replacing the hormone metabolism and cause damage to the cancer cells.
Dosage: 15 to 20 mg / day *
Natural sources: tomatoes, fruits with red meat or pink.
16. Supplements cholesterol (Angkak)
It contains lovastatin as well as other compounds that may help control cholesterol levels. In a study conducted by the Annals of Internal Medicine, patients who enter the red yeast rice in the diet for 12 weeks and coupled with an exercise program, lowering their LDL levels to 27 percent, compared with 6 percent of the results obtained by those who only diet and exercise alone.
Dose: 600 mg, 3 times a day *
Natural sources: Angkak, sake, red rice vinegar.
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