Actually, not just by kissing to increase your libido, but can also use massage techniques that will provide enjoyment and better quality at the time of sexual intercourse. Most teens who just got married they immediately have sex without foreplay more enjoy and fun.
Steps massage techniques to increase your libido is.
* Focus on massaging specific body parts, for example massaging his back. Massaging the back with focus and slowly will provide comfort for you and your partner, but if your partner asks the other parts of the body for a massage then obey, and if not ask for it, you can ask directly part of the body for massage.
We recommend using a massage oil that does not give excessive scent because it would interfere with concentration, use coconut oil or olive oil is not overly perfumed smell.
* Techniques massage.
The first
Technique is to massage the pressure that is the position of the right hand and the left hand is on the surface of the skin accompanied by massaging the palm of the left hand turning slowly.
The second is a massage technique with a caress, when you massage your partner on your chest can dilate both hands and gently caressing your partner's chest area gently and very slowly.
The third technique is to massage the squeeze technique is when you like sensual massage in the buttocks, thighs and shoulders once in a while you can hit it gently and slowly.
The latter is a massage technique is when you rub rub with one hand then the other groups have to be pressed in the direction of rubbing their hands. And when rubbing shoulders palms and feet then you can use your fingers to gently, occasionally play your fingers on her body.
The rest is up to you.
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