Only overwork dying young

A study concluded that those who work more than 55 hours per week had a risk of suffering a heart attack by 13% and 33% more likely to suffer a stroke compared to those who have worked 35-40 hours a week.

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When the meal is a social experience that greatly affect a person's personality, eating alone cause discomfort inside

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Stringent blood pressure targets that can reduce the likelihood of death. In medicine, it is great news that greatly benefits us all

A check to check: Do you really need an annual physical?

The annual physical control is part of the structure of the health care system is good, but it does not have to keep on doing at least that's done most of the citizens of the United States.


Child protection world.

Child protection world.All children in the world are entitled to warranty protection. They have a right to be protected from the things that they have not time to do a thing, and even to their detriment. UNICEF is working with local governments to help identify risks that threaten the safety of the children.

It also includes the identification of the juvenile justice and welfare of the community. Technical assistance is provided to the main ministries and agencies that deal with child protection and to further strengthen the capacity of policy.

UNICEF also partnered with renowned academic institutions from home and abroad to help improve research and accurate data on child protection issues and provide guidance to governments on how to maximize the impact of the use of financial resources in creating an effective child protection structures. It is expected to reach the most vulnerable families to the safety and development of children.
Increased public awareness on issues such as violence in schools implemented through support for behavior change initiatives by bringing together the various layers of the society to take action against all kinds of human rights abuses of children in the world.
Basically it is our responsibility not only certain agencies that protect children really be noticed and get maximum results.
For children and adolescents themselves also expected that in any event always use reasonable fashion so as not inviting for criminals or those who intend not good for them

As an example of the current trend in the country of Indonesia is
" Chilli-Chilli'sThis term is very heavy in society, especially in urban areas. By wearing super tight clothes and shorts that invite people around him to intend evil or the like.  
Besides, the role of parents is needed to provide more supervision of their children, they need guidance and direction in order to organize their future better and clear. Is not a child's success is the success of the parents?

If the child has a fever.

 If the child has a fever.If your child has a fever do not be quick to panic because it is not solving the problems will only add new problems. Step right is the right move for us that parents should calm down first, so they can get the right step.

We as parents need to be aware that fever in children is not a disease but a symptom of a disease, fever is the body's reaction to infection or injury, the body produces more heat and high temperatures in order to maintain the metabolic process go faster.

How to detect the symptoms of fever in children.
How to determine the presence of fever in children is the feeling on the part of the body if the body temperature rises and the unusual can be sure that your child had a fever.

Another step to determine fever in children is.

First. Decreased appetite.
Second. Heart rate increased.
Third. Weakened condition of the body and is usually accompanied colds.
Fourth. If the body temperature decreases, the body will sweat a lot and do not like usual.
Fifth. Muscle and joint pain.

If we already know that our child has a fever, we can take him to the family doctor to get treatment right away, but before we can provide treatment or initial steps that can be done to cure the child is.

1. You can give compress and placed on the forehead. Take a soft cloth and wet with warm water, can also compress in place in the abdomen, groin or armpit crease. With warm water compress can make blood vessels dilate and open the pores of the body so that evaporation will occur more quickly.

2. Provide drinking water more than usual so that children are not exposed to dehydration.

3. Consider air circulation in the dugout children. Take care not to be too stuffy and hot. 

4. Monitor the child's body temperature by providing thermometers in children. If you know the temperature in the body up to 39 degrees Celsius, the heat loss drug you can give, but if the body temperature had decreased drug administration was stopped. 

5. Though taste in the mouth and try to eat a bad meal although still not in proportion while still healthy, and do not forget lots of water. 

If the child's fever does not go down right away then you can bring it to your family doctor to get medical treatment in order to heat the child does not continue and get well soon.


Simple Meditation remarkable results.

Simple Meditation remarkable results.Life in the world is very diverse, which sometimes makes one's frustration, pain, anxiety, worry, anger, fear and many other impacts that occur from the diversity of life events is ongoing.

At certain times we need a calm and peaceful life, away from the bustle, noise and clutter that is around us. Meditation, is the right step to do to get their life in a more peaceful, calm and happy.

Steps are very easy, cheap and feasible to do this calming, many benefits that will be able to do meditation is peace of soul, a clear mind and peace will make our lives happier. 

On this occasion we will begin to know the meditation, if you are new and interested to do then you can try the following simple steps that will have a major impact on your life.

* You can start setting up the candles with fragrances, shells, incense or incense. Light a candle and place it on your side, sit cross-legged while both hands on the thighs with a relaxed place. Breathe in slowly through your mouth and remove all the while imagining what was in the mind that is negative in the exhaust with the air we breathe slowly. 

Make a schedule of simple meditation that you can make to be done every morning for about 5 minutes before leaving for work.

Keep your eyes open with centralized at one point in mind while imagining that you break free like a child running happily. 

When your eyes are closed then there is a chance you will fall asleep. When you move to the natural mind meditation, your brain will move from beta to alpha waves, which is the beginning of the relaxation process.

Meditate before going to work, this habit will become your life more calm and comfortable, the work will feel lighter and fun. 


Massage improves libido.

Massage improves libido.Basically there are several massage techniques that can increase your libido, if in the know can certainly provide many benefits and happiness for you and your partner.  

Actually, what I mean is a massage technique as foreplay or massage which serves as a warm-up for increasing libido before having sex.

Actually, not just by kissing to increase your libido, but can also use massage techniques that will provide enjoyment and better quality at the time of sexual intercourse. Most teens who just got married they immediately have sex without foreplay more enjoy and fun.

Steps massage techniques to increase your libido is. 

* Focus on massaging specific body parts, for example massaging his back. Massaging the back with focus and slowly will provide comfort for you and your partner, but if your partner asks the other parts of the body for a massage then obey, and if not ask for it, you can ask directly part of the body for massage.

We recommend using a massage oil that does not give excessive scent because it would interfere with concentration, use coconut oil or olive oil is not overly perfumed smell.

* Techniques massage

The first 

Technique is to massage the pressure that is the position of the right hand and the left hand is on the surface of the skin accompanied by massaging the palm of the left hand turning slowly.
The second is a massage technique with a caress, when you massage your partner on your chest can dilate both hands and gently caressing your partner's chest area gently and very slowly.

The third technique is to massage the squeeze technique is when you like sensual massage in the buttocks, thighs and shoulders once in a while you can hit it gently and slowly.
The latter is a massage technique is when you rub rub with one hand then the other groups have to be pressed in the direction of rubbing their hands. And when rubbing shoulders palms and feet then you can use your fingers to gently, occasionally play your fingers on her body.
The rest is up to you.


The cause of diabetes.

The cause of diabetes.Sometimes we do not realize that what we do every day it can cause disease and harm to the body. I think the slogan "Prevention is better than cure." is right.

On the last occasion I have written about diabetes symptoms and treatment of diabetes naturally. This time we will know the cause of diabetes, so that we can avoid early as possible so as not already affected by diabetes.

Causes of diabetes include

1. Habit of smoking.
Already a wealth of information ranging from the clinic to the hospital stating "Smoking is injurious to health."
For those addicted to cigarettes is much less pronounced initially but over time the offender will feel the symptoms of diabetes in itself.

2. Take regular exercise.
Sport activities are healthy for our body metabolism, walk away, go jogging or cycling will burn the fat that has accumulated, do not get used to sleep after eating, which accumulates carbohydrates will cause diabetes.

3. Too much to drink sweet tea.
Drinking water is obviously healthier than other drinks, too much to drink sweet drinks such as tea will cause the blood sugar to rise. Drink at least 6-8 glasses of water every day.

4. Often drinking alcoholic beverages.
Do not get used to drinking alcoholic beverages if you want to get a healthy body, a clear alcoholic beverages are also prohibited other than in a negative impact on the culprit, except for using health instructions.

5. Familiarize Do not drink carbonated beverages.
Many soft drinks contain saccharin (an artificial sweetener) which can increase your blood sugar.

6. Stress
Keep your body in order not to stress conditions, the specific activities that will make conditions unpleasant body remains in a relaxed state. Stress increases the hormone epinephrine and cortisol are automatically blood sugar will also rise.

7. Lack of sleep.
Lack of sleep will cause your metabolism less than the maximum that triggers hormones in the blood that cause hunger. According to a study from the University of Chicago stated that a lack of sleep for 3 days will cause the body's ability to process glucose declined drastically, thereby increasing the risk of diabetes.

Treatment of diabetes naturally.

Treatment of diabetes naturally.In the medical world a lot of the treatments a person to get the healing of diseases ranging from consulting a doctor to treatment, but this way does not need to cost a little bit not to mention the side effects of the treatment.

If there is a cheaper way why not try? that is the natural way, in addition to any safe way too easy to obtain them.

On the last occasion I've written about the symptoms of diabetes, so we can detect as early as possible if there is a disease that began attacking. This time I will write about the treatment of diabetes naturally.

Treatment of disease naturally can also use regular vegetable or fruit we consume every day, but by knowing the reason why we eat then we are more prudent in consuming these vegetables, it means we can focus more on eating vegetables specially for the healing of a disease, in this case diabetes.

Ok, following the treatment of diabetes with noni fruit. 
The fruit is able to improve the insulin receptor is not normal anymore,

Take two or three and then clean the noni fruit, then grated and squeezed to take out the juice, strain it with a soft cloth so that water noni fruit is very smooth. Eat Noni juice is one drink a day.

Second. ginseng
We recognize ginseng as a stamina enhancer but also ginseng may lower blood sugar levels.

Third is the fruit Pare.
Pare fruit can repair pancreatic beta cells, mode of manufacture. Take one or two Pare fruit puree and then strain to take the bitter melon juice. Pare fruit juice drink little by little, not too often Pare drink juice because it can cause diarrhea. Bitter taste, but if we are accustomed to is no longer an obstacle to drink.

The fourth is the beans.
Vegetable beans are very effective for lowering blood sugar levels, nutrients contained in vegetables beans are very useful to accelerate the formation of insulin in the pancreas. My message, frequent consumption of beans is the right step to cure diabetes naturally.

Indeed, natural healing can not quickly know the result but if we are patient and disciplined undoubtedly consume natural diabetes that you will soon recover.

Treatment naturally guaranteed safe and without negative side effects, so we did not hesitate to take it

Good luck and get well. 


Symptoms of diabetes.

Symptoms of diabetes.Diabetes is a disease caused by abnormal metabolism system so that the effect on blood sugar levels rise, because the organ pancreas can no longer produce insulin is needed by the body. Glucose is essential for the health of our bodies as a source of strength and muscle tissue.

Because blood sugar levels rise, the person will have diabetes, do not let this happen because it can lead to chronic diseases and harmful to your own health.

For that let us identify what are the symptoms of diabetes that causes this to happen, so that we could detect as early as possible and treat it.

Diabetes varied kind, if blood sugar levels are in a bit of pain exceeds the normal limit then called prediabetes and not yet referred to as diabetes, or blood sugar rise during pregnancy is also not said as diabetes due to the possibility of returning to normal is still great.  

Symptoms of type 1 diabetes (occurring in children)

Diabetes that occurs in children is difficult to be detected because of flu-like illness, and this can happen in the know after a long time.

Patients often feel thirsty. Because too often secrete fluid, so people always feel thirsty and want to drink.

Patients easily feel tired.
Because the body can not convert glucose into energy so that children often feel tired.

Weight continues to decrease.
Because the body can not process glucose into energy so the body becomes frequent fatigue sufferers who berakhibat weight down. Normal appetite but can not grow healthy bodies.

Do not be surprised if your child does not often wet, despite being smaller. This occurs because the kidneys' ability always wanted to clean up the excess glucose in the blood so that children always want to pee.

Advanced stages of diabetes symptoms.

At one stage the symptoms of diabetes can occur in children or adolescents, but if it occurs at a later stage can happen at any age.

Frequent tingling. This happens because the blood can not flow smoothly so that oxygen supply was reduced, in because the blood vessels are damaged or not functioning anymore. 

Weight began to fall.
This occurs because the pancreas begin no damage, the pancreas produces insulin to process glucose into energy charge, this ability is no longer normal to the pancreas resulting in insulin resistance, the body will look for other energy reserves of fat if the fat is not there then the next target is muscle. So the weight continued to decline.

If there is then difficult to heal wounds.
This is another effect of damage to the blood vessels and nerve tissue, resulting in damage to the patient does not feel pain when the injury occurred. The occurrence of high blood sugar and the nerve damage in case of minor injuries that sometimes people consider trivial can be enlarged over time and is likely to be large in amputation.

Symptoms of diabetes in women. 

 Women are also prone to diabetes, to recognize it as early as possible and immediately consult a doctor if there is one.  

First. Vaginal infections.
Second. Disrupted hormone function.
Third. Depression.
Fourth. Hair loss is not fair.