Only overwork dying young

A study concluded that those who work more than 55 hours per week had a risk of suffering a heart attack by 13% and 33% more likely to suffer a stroke compared to those who have worked 35-40 hours a week.

Nutrition shortcuts when living alone

When the meal is a social experience that greatly affect a person's personality, eating alone cause discomfort inside

10 tips for mindful eating - Just in time for the holidays

10 tips for more diet conscious. Not all of these tips may feel good for you, it does not hurt to try and see how they work

Update on the trial of SPRINT: preliminary results pan out

Stringent blood pressure targets that can reduce the likelihood of death. In medicine, it is great news that greatly benefits us all

A check to check: Do you really need an annual physical?

The annual physical control is part of the structure of the health care system is good, but it does not have to keep on doing at least that's done most of the citizens of the United States.


Strategies for healthy brain and intelligent.

Strategies for healthy brain and intelligent.Having a healthy and intelligent brain is the hope of every person and this is the main asset to have the body remain healthy and fit. The brain also needs a break, if forced brain continues to think that the brain will be tired and your body will get sick.

Stress and forget will arise as early as possible if the brain is forced to continue to think every day every night, and therefore in need of rest and a few steps so that the brain remain healthy and fit. If the brain in healthy condition of course you will have a smart brain.

1. Learning a new language.
Studying a foreign language still think we are one of the ways to make exercise the brain and this is the right step to help improve brain performance.

2. Studying music.
There are words that "Music can touch the heart." I think it is true and my own love of music. By studying music then you will be more comfortable mentally and quiet so good for brain fitness. Some people believe that music can help heal people suffering from dementia illness.

3. Voluntary activities.
Doing social work with residents, such as building bridges together local residents worked together to clean or village irrigation canal or help repair the house one of the people affected or damaged by others can help improve the performance of the brain and is training for the brain to be more fit and healthy.

4. Lost.
Well, to get lost then forces you to find a way out and back to the place known. This means that the brain will work hard to find a way out, of course learn in a place that has ensured safe. Getting lost is as an exercise for your brain.

5. Play and interact.
When you interact with others, the brain will strive to think and this is one of the efforts as a brain exercise. Interact with friends, neighbor, brother or your boss when your brain will naturally healthy.

6. Study the new technology.
By following the latest technological developments equal to learn new things. If you do this then you can be a great advantage that the new knowledge and do not miss, and connect with more people. Through the world of technology, you will be faced with new ideas that make the brain fresh and keep learning.

7. Facing things uncomfortable.
Usually when you are in a safe and comfortable position people no longer want to strive so that the ability of the brain is decreased and less developed therefore face it something new that you feel uncomfortable and resolve the problem well as you can. Build your spirit of curiosity about something then your brain will respond.

8. Follow the classroom learning.
You can take some classes to learn as computer courses, sewing courses, language courses, cooking classes or follow some positive organizational groups such as the youth institution or organization of farmers, fishermen, entrepreneurship or the other.

9. Exercise regularly.
Make your own exercise schedule. Suppose one or two times a week and you have to be disciplined to implement policies that you create yourself and enjoy and feel, then your body will be fresh and fit patio automatic was also healthy brain. do exercise at least 15-25 minutes is enough not too long and not too hard and heavy, make your body comfortable.

Nine steps are enough to make your brain stay healthy and fit.  
Good luck and greetings healthy. 


How to generate intelligent female sex.

How to generate intelligent female sex.While alone in the room when the room is impressive for a pair of the opposite sex. Shadows in mind things - strange things will happen shortly, especially for a young married couple who are still in a drunken romance.  

You both brought in an exciting situation, naked body does not use any piece of cloth, hand-touching, cheek by jowl, fondling and penetration of both.
When such that for some couples are special and very happy, but there are some other women who are not confident in sexual intercourse with her partner in because a lot of things like the shape of the body fat, short or was not pretty.

If you are a man, this is a challenge for you to show your skill in front of the couple in order to make a couple more hot sex desire and confidence.

1. The first step praise your partner.
Convey the words cordial and soft that you love her, you love her curves interesting, you like the shape of your partner's body.
Saying that "You're sexy if no piece of cloth attached to the body." or "I like the grip of a miss-V you" let him know that you are a lucky person because they can enjoy and have her body.

2. Give a little touch and help undressed.
Women will be more happy if given more attention, let him aroused beforehand and looked at him full of desire for sex.

If you are already sufficiently aroused also you can ask your partner to dance striptease in front of you in addition to further enhance sexual desire also to gain time for longer. See the action and enjoy your partner dancing in front of you without any cloth with a high sex desire.

3. If your partner has more confidence, approach him, pull his hand and invited onto the bed, then it's up to you. 

Read Massage also improves libido.

Various types of orgasms women who need to be known by men.

Various types of orgasms women who need to be known by men.Orgasm in women it has many variants having known from several studies and research that has been conducted by several parties, it is providing new knowledge for us as a lesson to get a more favorable sex and happiness for both parties.

Of course we all want to maximize sexual pleasure so that in intercourse can reach its climax and family harmony can be maintained. Variants orgasm anything it let's look together.

1. The size of the penis.
According to research conducted by Stuart Brody, a psychologist at the Unversity of the West of Scotland, have found that the size of the penis into effect very important for the survival time of intercourse. The size of the penis becomes myth or a growing belief in the community that will be faster orgasm woman if her male partner has a larger penis, penis size is generally 5-6 inches.

2. Women can orgasm more quickly than men.
It turns out that women can orgasm faster than her male partner, this has been proven by a study conducted in Portugal, In the study 40% of women orgasm faster than her male partner, and this became a problem for some women.

3. Good communication means good sex anyway.
In studies that have been done by the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University in the United States, found that sex will go well when both partners understand each other, to understand and empathize with another partner.

4. Pretend to enjoy orgasm.
It turns out that in a study done by Temple University in the United States found that approximately 60% of women pretending to enjoy orgasm during sex with a partner, whereas 25% of men too. This incident caused due to several other factors by one or of both of them that sex is done only pretending to be.

5. Women can orgasm at any time.
The results of research done by Elisabeth Lloyd and Kim Wallen shows that of the 100 respondents aged 18-60 years women only 11 women who can reach climax during sex with a partner and others never reach climax.

Sex is more healthy and delicious it can also be done after we do a fast, read on Fasting improves sexual performance.


Easy and simple tips to overcome minor burns.

Easy and simple tips to overcome minor burns.Actually it's easy to overcome minor burns, burns either because of a fire or exposure to hot water. Especially for mothers who are cooking in the kitchen have the possibility of having a minor accident but torture yourself, cooking is so disturbed and less comfortable

Or we are doing something and suddenly a small accident occurred, partially burned body or scalded.

When there is minor burns typical to panic and look for burn treatment in pharmacies or other drug store, or go to the nearest doctor

Bioplacenton is burn treatment options are often used people during a mild or moderate burns.

As I have experienced, I had been exposed to the hot water in the right arm while helping his wife cooking water to bathe the child, panic indeed but instinctively I directly grab kitchen salt mixed with a little water so moist and at that moment I attach directly to burn me, cold and sore taste, after a few days later it turned burn scars healed and no blisters. Because usually when we are exposed to hot water, fire or other objects that heat the skin will blister.

So how to overcome the burn is
1. By using the salt that has been mixed with a little water and then in the paste to the injured body part, let it air dry.

2. There is another way, namely by applying a liquid Aloevera leaves, liquid mengadung aloevera leaves useful as an antiseptic substance that flavonoids, polyphenols, saponins and tannins.

Here are things that are forbidden during a burn is
1. Do not try to solve the bubble burns if it is swelling, burns bubbles can occur due to delayed wound treatment, because if that happens then the infection will be worse.

2. Do not bandage, let it burn so it could be exposed to open air.

Thank you for visiting and may be useful.


Mind and body healthy by doing meditation.

Mind and body healthy by doing meditation.Is it true that by doing regular meditation, body and soul to be healthy? This question is still owned by some people. A conviction will arise if you have a regular meditation practice as recommended by the instructor.

Minimal with this fact you will read a bit to get the confidence that meditation is really making a healthy body and soul. 
A study has been carried out as reported by The Wall Street Journal, thus providing confidence about meditation for mental health and body. The study has been conducted for 30 years and has tremendous benefits for human survival, we ought to know.

The researchers have been invited by a doctor at the medical school and several health centers in four continents, we are requested to instruct the basics of natural healing with meditation and the prevention of disease, especially cardiovascular disease.

As an example of Transcendental Meditation (TM), has been found to lower blood pressure and insulin resistance it can prevent diabetes, slow aging, and even minimize approximately 48% in the rate of heart attacks, strokes and sudden death.

The fact that meditation has many benefits for human health, especially the psychological advantage.

For example, in 2012 a review of 163 studies published by the American Psychological Association concluded that the Transcendental Meditation technique has a relatively strong effect in reducing tension thoughts, anxiety, negative emotions are out of control, neuroticism and anxiety and vice versa helps improve memory and our self-awareness . Meditation will also increase confidence and relieve stress or depression.

Integrative Health has great benefits for the mind and body.

In a special journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA Internal Medicine) concluded there is a benefit with mindfulness meditation and only show evidence of moderate or low for stress-related conditions such as anxiety about something?

Simple review focused on studies showing that meditation can reduce psychological stress, so the objective benefits such as lowering blood pressure.

In addition, the review only looked at studies where subjects had been diagnosed with a medical or psychiatric problems. The authors excluded studies of otherwise normal individuals with anxiety or stress, as well as any studies that are not in adults only.

The selection criteria resulted in negligence many rigorous research, which, when taken as a whole, show that there is a benefit to reduce stress and anxiety.

In 2013 meta-analysis (a type of rigorous review) of 10 controlled studies found that at least one meditation, Transcendental Meditation (MT), significantly reduced the anxiety and stress. And the greater the level ranging from anxiety in the test subject, the greater the reduction in meditation.

In addition to healthful meditation also make your face look more youthful.

In leading hospitals in the United States and Europe as the VA Hospitals and Kaiser Permanente Hospitals have included meditation program as a complementary treatment for patients.

Meditation has been clinically proven to accelerate the healing of the patient and make patients more youthful. Meditation time, the human brain is in the state of Alpha, and the body of a program of self-healing. Meditation is often regarded as the reset button, where all functions of our body to be set back to normal again, after a day of activities. Dr Dean Ornish, a Professor of Medicine and a leading cardiologist in California, USA, reported that meditation is an important element in a health care.

Spiritually people who meditate regularly are stronger and ready to face the challenges of life. Meditation increases your spiritual awareness, you are more calm and peaceful living.

According to an Oprah show discussing about how to live your life in order to be happier and healthier, said that "meditation" is one way to get a healthy and happy life.

According to the briefing states that there are five main keys to be able to live a happy and healthy.

1. Exercise regularly.
2. A balanced diet.
3. Meditation.
4. Get enough sleep and great sex.
5. A positive attitude.


Orphans, victims of the Ebola virus.

Orphans, victims of the Ebola virus.

Ebola virus getting crazy, imagine! more than 3,700 displaced children because one or both of their parents died of Ebola virus attack.  

They are mostly children resident Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone (UNICEF, 30 Sept 2014)
According to Manuel Fontaine (UNICEF Director for the region of central and western Africa) said that, "Children of the Ebola virus is usually in foster care by relatives, but there are some groups who have an understanding that the attachment to the danger of Ebola is stronger than family ties."

With the events we participate as citizens of the world are concerned about their fate. UNICEF provide social and psychological support for children affected by Ebola, they tend to stress and depression because they have to look at the fact that their parents or relatives brought their families by those strange uniformed like astronauts.

Very rapid spread of the Ebola virus, this virus is very dangerous considering and until now a vaccine to prevent the virus still has not been found. Fortify yourself with a strong immune very important to do as well as familiarize maintain personal hygiene and the environment need to be considered.