1. Learning a new language.
2. Studying music.
There are words that "Music can touch the heart." I think it is true and my own love of music. By studying music then you will be more comfortable mentally and quiet so good for brain fitness. Some people believe that music can help heal people suffering from dementia illness.
Doing social work with residents, such as building bridges together local residents worked together to clean or village irrigation canal or help repair the house one of the people affected or damaged by others can help improve the performance of the brain and is training for the brain to be more fit and healthy.
4. Lost.
Well, to get lost then forces you to find a way out and back to the place known. This means that the brain will work hard to find a way out, of course learn in a place that has ensured safe. Getting lost is as an exercise for your brain.
5. Play and interact.
When you interact with others, the brain will strive to think and this is one of the efforts as a brain exercise. Interact with friends, neighbor, brother or your boss when your brain will naturally healthy.
6. Study the new technology.
By following the latest technological developments equal to learn new things. If you do this then you can be a great advantage that the new knowledge and do not miss, and connect with more people. Through the world of technology, you will be faced with new ideas that make the brain fresh and keep learning.
7. Facing things uncomfortable.
Usually when you are in a safe and comfortable position people no longer want to strive so that the ability of the brain is decreased and less developed therefore face it something new that you feel uncomfortable and resolve the problem well as you can. Build your spirit of curiosity about something then your brain will respond.
8. Follow the classroom learning.
You can take some classes to learn as computer courses, sewing courses, language courses, cooking classes or follow some positive organizational groups such as the youth institution or organization of farmers, fishermen, entrepreneurship or the other.
9. Exercise regularly.
Make your own exercise schedule. Suppose one or two times a week and you have to be disciplined to implement policies that you create yourself and enjoy and feel, then your body will be fresh and fit patio automatic was also healthy brain. do exercise at least 15-25 minutes is enough not too long and not too hard and heavy, make your body comfortable.
Nine steps are enough to make your brain stay healthy and fit.
Good luck and greetings healthy.