It is true because the Admin himself has experienced it, Ups ... caught! Remember, do not tell anyone ok!! What about you?
Fasting in addition to improving sexual health also affects the health of the body, digestion also be maximized because the fasting is also associated with the detoxification process or remove the toxins in the body that are very detrimental to the health of the body.
More details let us refer to the explanation below.
First. Rapidly increasing sexual performance.
In the journal metabolic and endocrine, fasting is associated with changes in hormones and sexual capacity of men. Hormone testosterone (masculinity), stimulants sac (FSH) and Lemotin (LH) changes in all three every week.
In the know at first was a decline in testosterone production resulting in a decrease in sexual desire.
However, the decrease in sexual appetite will not continue long as a few days later testosterone production will exceed that of the usual sexual appetite will increase rapidly.
Second. Formation of sperm quality.
Changes in the structure of sperm quality due to changes in the hypothalamic-pituatari testicular hormones and influence on both the testis, sperm fertility also increased.
Third. In women who are fasting can lower prolactin levels.
Great opportunities for women suffering from infertility caused an increase in the hormone prolactin. So when fasting remains in position fertile women.
Another benefit of fasting is to increase the ability of the brain so that the brain cells may contribute more leverage because neurotrophic factors brain cells.
In addition to lower cholesterol levels, reduce weight, reduce inflammation of the joints, immune system increased rapidly and the last body to absorb more nutrients from food we eat.
Okey Medical centre buddy now we get knowledge that can support our physical and spiritual health.
Happy running fast.