For a long time, scientists believed that the brain stopped developing in childhood. We now know that the brain continues to make connections between neurons throughout our lives.
More and more neuroplasticity exercises are available to improve the functioning of the brain. You feed the memory load or try a learning disability, you can easily find a brain program, exercise or game available online.
Therefore, if the function of the brain should be lost permanently. Kandel found that the neurons of the brain connectors can strengthen and regenerate. The brain's ability to form new neural pathways is called neuroplasticity.
Enhance neuroplasticity of the brain
You can enhance neuroplasticity of the brain by exercising the same way as you exercise your physical body. You should not wait until you suffer brain damage to exercise your brain. Brain function is affected daily by many factors, including the environment, drugs, stress, growth factors, learning and aging. Your brain needs to be packaged in the same way the state of your heart every day aerobic exercise. Conditioning regularly promotes any thought of the brain.
Here's an example. Brain exercises daily can protect against stress damage. Stress has been shown to reduce the neuroplasticity of the brain. Under stress, studies have shown that the geometric length of apical dendrites of pyramidal neurons in the hippocampus shorten. [1] When the dendrites are retracted, the surface of neurons and shrinkage, in turn, reducing therefore the number of synapses and neuronal connections.
This retraction of Dendrite has been observed in other areas of the brain under stress. The good news is that once the stress is reduced, the synapses are replaced. Depression has been known to have a similar effect. Stress and depression can not kill neurons directly, but lead to changes in the neuroplasticity of the brain.
The brain's ability to regenerate neurons is called neurogenesis. Many factors neurogenic stimulate neurogenesis. Some of these factors, such as steroid hormones are also stimulated by exercise. Therefore, brain health depends on good general fitness regime that includes physical, mental (meditation) and brain exercises. Meditation has also been shown to improve brain function in brain imaging studies.
Rules of brain training
1. Before you begin, here are some rules and precautions brain in shape.
2. Brain Training exercises regularly. Over time, the neurons are not stimulated can not reconnect. Especially after brain injury, it is important to start exercising before dying neurons neuroplasticity. If you water your garden, plants wither until hydrated. If not irrigated, over time the roots die, the plant loses its ability to regenerate. While the inability to regenerate neuronal connections increased risk of a person who has suffered brain damage which shows the importance of regular exercise the brain. Recently, neuroscientists have discovered that the brain can regenerate not only neuronal connections, but the neurons themselves.
3. Which brain exercises should you do? Some studies have shown no improvement in brain exercises. Many Brain Games were renamed "neuroplasticity exercises" or vice versa. Despite numerous references to neuroplasticity exercises on the Internet, neuroscientists are still learning and approaching this new fitness area with caution.
4. Avoid scientifically proven approaches. Scientists are trying to provide the same stimulation to the brain using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), which uses an electric coil to produce electrical current in the brain areas. This technology, and many others, are still in the experimental phase.
5. The exercises must be balanced. Repeating a million times cerebral exercise can cause excessive growth stimulation of brain cells in specific areas, squeezing the formation of new connections in other areas, warns project promoting education in Huntington Stanford.
6. Seek improvements in daily functioning. You can improve your score in games brain, but the exercise is useful these improvements should appear in the daily operation, a process called generalization.
7. Beware of exercises to increase the part of the brain that are used by 10% to 50%.
Brain Training
The improvement of neuroplasticity not involve mind games with complex algorithms compiled by a team of neuroscientists. Examples of a wide range of brain exercises that can fit into your daily life are presented.
Intellectual activities
Soaking in stimulating activities cognitively provides a brain workout. They could include online courses, debates, games. Challenge your brain to make common tasks differently. Instead of the normal trail this weekend, find a new way to explore. Making the Tibetan Buddhist meditation every week, falling into a Zen class and fold the brain waves in a different direction. If you teach psychology, change some classes with a colleague and his guest lecture on social psychology, or perhaps you have an interest in behavioral economics. You get the idea. Extend your gray matter.
Physical Activities
Physical activity has many positive effects on brain health, including brain stimulation pumping hormones. Patients with rehabilitation exercises after stroke to stimulate neurons. The specific motor activities can target certain brain regions. When stroke victims participating in walking exercises, neural connections in the brain area associated with this movement are strengthened.
Brainwave Entrainment
Binaural beats have been shown to promote convergence left and the right cerebral hemisphere. This promotes the whole brain thinking. Today, meditation music is available for select stimulate brain waves. If you are a creative person, your right brain is more developed and more likely to have a better hemispheric convergence. Many entrepreneurs can not fully develop your right brain, but rely more on the thinking of the left brain. You can control your mind and develop one of the most sought after business skills today - creative, brain thinking outside the box on the right. More and more employers are testing for the right brain thinking about the hiring process.
Brain training regimens - Treatment of Learning Disabilities
Inspiring and promising for space neuroplasticity exercises are programs for people who have parts of the brain that are not functioning normally. Up neuroplasticity exercises, cognitive behavioral therapy has been one of the few known effective treatments for learning disabilities. Aerosmith Barbara Young is a psychologist who had multiple learning difficulties as a child, including reading and writing backwards.
She tells her use of neuroplasticity exercises to overcome their learning difficulties in women who have changed his mind. Aerosmith program has helped thousands of people overcome difficulties in Canada, the United States, Australia, learning, and elsewhere.
Not enough space to write on exercises Arrowsmith program here. In his book, he discusses exercises for the following specific areas: reasoning; think, plan and solve problems; visual memory symbols models; lexical memory; memory for objects and faces; numerical sense and quantification; kinesthetic perception; spatial reasoning; Motor learning plans; and nonverbal thinking required for effective social interaction.
Based on many satisfied students, the program is expanding worldwide. Brain imaging shows that dyslexics use different parts of the brain to process information. After phonological and auditory exercises, brain activity is closer to that of a normal brain development.
Memory and attention training
Lumosity.com is the largest memory games provider and staff training. Personal trainers are available to help you design your own program. In addition to memory and attention training, boarding games problem solving, speed and flexibility. In Lumosity, 60 games are offered. To begin, create a brain training centers, making the initial performance tasks, select the areas you want to improve and further suggestions for brain training games.
These games have been applied in other areas, including traumatic brain injury. One question that has arisen is the ability of these mind games to reach the generalization, which refers to one's ability to apply new knowledge in different contexts. In other words, an improvement in scores on the games of the brain to produce an improvement in brain function in other areas of life? The best way to find out is to test the games and see for yourself.
Of neuroplasticity exercises programs
The evidence so far points to a successful performance of specific brain training, such as learning difficulties or stroke, general cognitive enhancement exercises that memory training online and attention . It is easy to see how the targeted programs offer more value. Athletes, for example, may attempt Athletic brain training.
Learn how the brain works under the expert performance capacity, psychological behavior, skills and the acquisition means, and biomechanics can greatly improve the understanding of how to facilitate the coach to athlete development, and packaging mental and physical health of the athlete.
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